Key Considerations When Creating a Brand Identity From a Seasoned Marketing Expert

Key Considerations when creating a Brand Identity from a seasoned marketing expert

Key Considerations When Creating a Brand Identity From a Seasoned Marketing Expert In the dynamic landscape of modern business, the importance of branding cannot be overstated. As the owner of a marketing agency for over 15 years, I’ve had the privilege of guiding numerous businesses through the intricate process of branding and rebranding. Throughout my […]

9 Important Website Metrics You Should Track

Contents What are performance metrics? 9 metrics to monitor Track metrics to improve your website Understanding website performance metrics is essential in this digital environment, especially if you offer a service or products on a website. Nowadays, the most difficult process isn’t acquiring data; various systems can do so automatically. It’s necessary to choose the […]

Why Blogging is Important for Your Business and the Benefits

What is business blogging? 7 benefits of blogging for business and marketing Start blogging for your business! Today billions are connected to the internet, and there hasn’t been a better time for businesses to utilize blogging in their marketing strategy. We strive to interact and communicate with our clients through various platforms, ranging from social […]

Marketing trends you need to consider for your brand

Contents 11 most effective marketing trends Why using marketing trends helps grow your brand Know the trends In 2022, marketing teams must be ready to adopt new methods and approaches to their work. A variety of fresh and inventive digital marketing initiatives offer several avenues for your brand awareness. Knowing your audience is more important […]

The importance of integrating your marketing campaigns

Contents What is integrated marketing? What is the importance of integrated marketing campaigns? Why should you use integrated marketing for your business? Grow your brand It’s official that the flow of information is changing in business marketing. You’ve probably heard the term “integrated marketing” going around. What does it imply, and how can it grow […]

Why businesses must implement a creative strategy in their marketing plans

Contents What is a creative marketing strategy? What are the components of a creative brief? Why is a creative strategy important for your marketing campaign? Reap the rewards from investing in a creative strategy Have you wondered how to work with a marketing budget and not waste time successfully launching a campaign? Well, this is […]

Effective Tips for Designing a Billboard Advert

  Even though consumers are engrossed in digital platforms these days, Billboards are still considered to be a premium advertising medium. In South Africa, traffic congestion in our major cities is a growing concern, but when it comes to billboard advertising, the traffic problem provides advertisers with an opportunity of increased dwell time to expose commuters to out of home media. Billboards therefore […]

How To Choose The Right Agency To Market Your Business

AT THE HEART OF ALL SUCCESSFUL BUSINESSES THERE IS STRONG AND ONGOING MARKETING The single-largest business opportunity in Africa will be its rising consumer market. Africa is the world’s second fastest growing consumer driven market. For businesses looking to get a share of the pie marketing can play a pivotal role. However, with tight budgets, most businesses are faced with the challenge of […]

Building A Customer-Centric Marketing Ecosystem

Throughout last year, I’ve talked a lot about one-to-one marketing and how with the rising tide of customer power marketers need to focus more on this personalized and empathetic approach. While it’s true that marketing’s main efforts have always been focused on gaining customers, in the past few years we’ve seen a shift where marketing has become […]